Active2Public Transport

Brief information

The "Active2Public Transport" project aims to reduce CO2 emissions in the transport sector in the Danube region by promoting active and emission-free forms of mobility such as cycling and walking in combination with public transport such as buses and trains.

The project is funded by the European Union as part of the Interreg Danube Region programme and will run for a period of 2.5 years.

Project partner
11 project partners from 9 countries
Project acronym
Active2Public Transport
Project code
EU funding programme
INTERREG Danube Region Programme
Lead partner
Austrian Energy Agency
Project duration
01.01.2024 - 30.06.2026
Total budget
2.85 million €
more information

Project measures

A2PT action plans

Development of an action plan for Active2Public Transport in the Danube region by

  • Establishment of a Danube A2PT working group & regional working group
  • Analysing carbon intensity and greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector in the Danube region
  • Analysis of transport hubs
  • Needs analysis for different target groups (quantitative & qualitative analysis)
  • Strategy development and action planning

A2PT Toolbox

Providing guidelines for innovative solutions to overcome existing gaps in the multimodal transport system:

  • Inventory of innovative A2PT solutions including good practice examples
  • Creating the toolbox (online platform)
  • Testing and publicising the toolbox

A2PT pilot actions

Demonstrating the effects of better linking active transport with public transport at selected locations in the Danube region:

  • Development of A2PT pilot action concepts
  • Implementation of the A2PT pilot actions
  • Monitoring & evaluation of the results of the pilot action including recommendations for improvements
  • Promotion of the A2PT pilot actions

Project goals

A climate-neutral transport sector cannot be achieved simply by replacing conventional vehicles with electric vehicles. Policy measures for passenger transport must focus more on supporting a multimodal shift towards active and public transport. Active forms of mobility such as cycling and walking are the most energy-efficient and the only truly carbon-free modes of transport, especially for short journeys.

By better linking active mobility and public transport, attractive alternatives to the car can also be offered for medium and longer distances. The solutions developed and tested as part of the project will help to close existing gaps in the multimodal transport system and make improvements in the area of linking active mobility and public transport stations. This includes, for example, bicycle parking spaces, bicycle transport on buses and trains or simple onward travel options, e.g. via bike sharing or on foot. The project involves relevant regional stakeholders in the development and testing of solutions and aims to inspire them to focus more on active and sustainable forms of mobility.  

Project partner

Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm

Austrian Energy Agency

Burgenland Business Agency

Public Transport Organisation of Bratislava

Danube Competence Centre

Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Railways Private Company Limited by Shares

Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure

Partnership for Urban Mobility

Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy

Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration

CTI Hungarian Institute for Transport Sciences and Logistics Non-Profit Ltd.


Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm


Austrian Energy Agency


Burgenland Business Agency


Public Transport Organisation of Bratislava


Danube Competence Centre


Győr-Sopron-Ebenfurti Railways Private Company Limited by Shares


Ministry of the Sea, Transport and Infrastructure

Czech Republic

Partnership for Urban Mobility


Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy


Ministry of Development, Public Works and Administration


CTI Hungarian Institute for Transport Sciences and Logistics Non-Profit Ltd

Media library

Partner Meeting in Ulm

November 2024

From 11-14 November, the Danube Office received a visit from its partners from the Danube region as part of the EU-funded "Active2Public Transport" project. The working meeting of the international body THE PEP/EHP Partnership on Healthy Active Mobility (WHO/UNECE), with which there are many interfaces, also took place in conjunction with the partner meeting. These were very intensive and enjoyable days with substantive sessions and workshops, but also excursions to Ulm and the region, where we were able to see examples of good practice on site. Special thanks go to the Department of Urban Planning, Environment, Building Law the city of Ulm, which gave us an insight into the Redesign of the station forecourt and the planned Redesign of the central pedestrian zone gave. In Ravensburg, we were impressed by the wide range of measures taken by the Urban Development & Transport Department which were accompanied by consistent citizen participation. 
It was a pleasure to welcome around 30 experts and decision-makers! 💚


Survey on cycle tourism in the Danube region

September 2024
Cyclists asked! Together with the European Cyclists' Federation (ECF), the Danube Office conducted a transnational survey on cycle tourism in the Danube region. The aim was to better understand the needs and challenges of cyclists, especially in connection with public transport.

The survey was translated into 14 languages and conducted from 18 September to 23 October in all 9 partner countries - more than 5,000 people took part in total. The results are currently being analysed and summarised in a report that will be available on our website. 

Partner meeting in Olomouc

August 2024
The second partner meeting in the "Active2Public Transport" project took place in Olomouc in the Czech Republic from 16-18 July in midsummer temperatures. Together, the project partners discussed the progress and findings of the project to date and discussed the next steps. In the first phase of the project, the main focus was on analysing the status quo with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and carbon intensity in the transport sector as well as political requirements in the project countries. The intensive technical part was then supplemented by a joint cycle tour in the region. There, the partners were not only able to see the well-developed cycle paths and innovative services for themselves, but also test the links with public transport.

Partner Meeting in Vienna

March 2024
The first partner meeting of the Interreg project "Active2Public Transport" took place in Vienna to promote sustainable and active mobility. This innovative project brings together 11 partners from 9 different countries in the Danube region with the common goal of increasing the use of public transport by integrating active forms of mobility and developing sustainable solutions for current and future mobility issues.

After an online kick-off meeting at the beginning of February, the first face-to-face meeting took place from 4 to 6 March in Vienna. The consortium discussed the issues of the project and the implementation of the project activities. The partner meeting was complemented by a practical study visit to Burgenland, where active and sustainable mobility through the region was brought to life.

From strategy to action

The Danube Office Ulm/Neu-Ulm is hosting the partner meeting of the Active2Public Transport project and the PEP Partnership Meeting. The link below will take you to the latest article on the official project website.

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Learning from other Danube countries

Danube Office organises 4-day partner meeting in the A2PT project in Ulm. Click here for the press report of the Südwestpresse on the meeting.

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