Between the powers and on the road to Europe
Historical areas of tension, social dynamics and the EU perspective of the Republic of Moldova
- Historical overview:
- Occupation by the Ottomans and the importance of the Moldavian principalities.
- Interests and influences of Russia and Romania: Why are these actors so strongly involved historically and today?
- Current political situation and EU rapprochement:
- Moldova between East and West: Political challenges and the state of play with regard to possible EU accession.
- The population's view: Is there a broad consensus in society in favour of the EU? What concerns and hopes characterise the country?
- Social developments:
- Who lives in Moldova? A look at the different population groups and ethnicities and their role in the current situation.
- Dynamics of civil society: How are political and social structures changing, and what does this mean for the future of Moldova?
- Discussion and outlook:
- How does history influence the current situation?
- What role will Moldova play in a changing Europe?
With Dr Florian Kührer-Wielach from the Institute for German Culture and History of Southeast Europe at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Jana Stöxen from the Moldova-Institut Leipzig e.V.
Moderation: Jürgen Klotz
Start of the event
Friday, 25.10.2024,19.00 hrs
Danube Office
Free admission
Danube Office
Danube Office
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89073 Ulm